[Duolingo FRENCH] 003. 듀오링고 프랑스어 독학 자주쓰는표현 Common Phrases. 본문


[Duolingo FRENCH] 003. 듀오링고 프랑스어 독학 자주쓰는표현 Common Phrases.

OPENLUNCH 2016. 12. 11. 11:10

[Duolingo FRENCH] 003. 듀오링고 프랑스어 독학 자주쓰는표현 Common Phrases.

@LESSON 1/4 

Non ! = No/Not. 논 _ 아니요/안돼 

Oui. = Yes. _ ㅎ위 예/그래 

Bonjour ! = good morning / hello / good afternoon 봉쥬르 _ 안녕! 

Merci ! = Thank you / Thanks 메르시 _ 감사합니다. 

Ça va. = i am doing well / i'm fine / How are you? 사 바 _ 나는 좋아요/당신은 어때요? 

@LESSON 2/4 

S'il vous plaît, non ! = Please, no! 실 보우 쁠레 노! _ 제발. 안되요! 

Salut et merci ! = Bye and Thanks 살루에 메르시! _ 안녕 감사합니다. 

Oui, pardon ! = yes, Pardon me.(excuse me) ㅎ위 빠돈 _  네, 실례합니다. 

S'il te plaît ! = please 실 테 플랱 _ 제발 

Merci, au revoir ! = Thanks, Good Bye 메르시, 오보브아흐 _ 감사합니다. 안녕 

Il y a une pomme. = There is an apple. 일리야 언ㄴ 뽐므 _  그것은 사과입니다. 

Salut Luis = Hi Luis 살루 루이스 _ 안녕 루이스 

@LESSON 3/4 

Bonjour ! Bienvenue ! = Hello! Welcome! 봉쥬르 비에비뉴 _ 안녕! 환영합니다! 

D'accord ! = Okay / Agreed / alright! 데코르 _ 알았어 / 맞아 

See you tomorrow! = à demain 아 데망 _ 내일 보아요! 

Salut, comment ça va ? = hello, How are you? 살루 코몬 사바? _ 안녕, 잘지내니? 

Bonjour, ça va bien ? = Good morning, are you doing well? 봉쥬르, 사바 비엔? _ 안녕 잘지내니? 

À plus tard ! = see you later! 아 프스 타르드 _ 나중에 봐요! 

À bientôt = see you soon 아 비안똩 _ 곧 봐요! 

@LESSON 4/4 

Non, désolé ! = No, Sorry 논 데졸레! _ 아니요. 미안해요 

Bonne nuit ! = good night! 본 누잍! _ 좋은밤! 

Bonsoir ! = Good Evening 봉수와 - 좋은밤! 

Merci beaucoup ! = Thank you very much. 메르시 보꿉 _ 정말 감사합니다. 

Oui, je suis désolé ! = Yes, I am sorry 오휘, 제 수위스 데졸레 _ 네, 미안합니다. 

Bonsoir, comment ça va ? = Good evening, how is it going? 

Au revoir et bonne nuit ! = Good bye and Good night. 오 보브아 엣 본 누잍 _ 안녕 그리고 좋은밤 

Il est désolé. = he is sorry. 일리 엩 데졸레 _ 그는 미안합니다.



non, oui, merci, bonjour, ça va


salut, pardon, au revoir, s'il te plaît, s'il vous plaît, il y a


bienvenue, d'accord, comment ça va, ça va bien, à demain, à plus tard, à bientôt


désolé, bonsoir, bonne nuit, de rien, merci beaucoup


Tips and notes

Grammar notes like those below can be helpful if you're having trouble with the lessons, so consider trying the lessons above before reading the notes. They'll be more helpful once you have a context for understanding them.


Bonjour is a universal greeting that can be spoken to anyone at any time. In France, greeting people is very important, and some will even say bonjour aloud when entering a public room or bus. Bon après-midi is often used as a farewell in the afternoon, while bonsoir is an evening greeting.

  • Greetings: bonjour, bonsoir (plus bon matin in Québec only)
  • Farewells: bonne journée, bon après-midi, bonne soirée, bonne nuit


Many words or phrases cannot be translated literally between English and French because their usages are idiomatic. For instance, consider « Ça va ? », which means "How are you?" The literal translation of the French is "That goes?", but this is nonsensical in English. It is very important to identify idioms in both languages and learn how to translate them properly.


In a liaison, an otherwise silent ending consonant is pushed to the next word, where it's pronounced as part of the first syllable. Like elisions, this prevents consecutive vowel sounds. Liaisons are possible whenever a silent ending consonant is followed by a word beginning in a vowel sound, but some liaisons are mandatory and others are forbidden.

Here are some mandatory liaisons, along with approximate pronunciations:

  • Articles and adjectives with nouns. For example, un homme ("uh-nohm"), mon orange ("mohn-norahnge"), or deux hommes ("duh-zohm").
  • Pronouns and verbs. For example, nous allons ("noo-zalohn") or est-il ("ay-teel").
  • Single-syllable adverbs and prepositions. For instance, très utile ("tray-zuteel") or chez elle ("shay-zell").

Liaisons are forbidden:

  • Before and after et ("and").
  • After singular nouns (including proper nouns and names).
  • After inversions (which you'll learn in "Questions").
  • Before an aspirated H (e.g. héros - "hero").
  • After a nasal sound, except that un, on, and en do liaise.

Note that some consonants take on a different sound in liaisons to reduce ambiguity.

Original ConsonantResulting Liaison SoundExample
-s, -x, -zZdes hommes ("day-zohm")
-dTun grand arbre ("uhn-grahn-tarbre")
-fVneuf ans ("nuh-vahn")

There are no ironclad liaison rules, especially across regions. Casual speech tends to have fewer than formal speech. Also, when speaking slowly, liaisons are often omitted. This is why liaisons disappear in the slow versions of listening exercises. Be careful of this.


In enchaînements, ending consonant sounds are pushed onto the next word if it begins in a vowel. This is essentially the same as a liaison, except that the consonant sound wasn't silent beforehand. For instance:

  • elle est is pronounced like "eh-lay".
  • mange une pomme is pronounced like "mahn-jun-pom".

The Impersonal Expression Il Y A

Impersonal expressions are phrases where there isn't a real subject. For instance, in the phrase "It is snowing" (Il neige), "it" doesn't refer to anything. It's a dummy subject that exists just to maintain the sentence structure.

One of the most common impersonal expressions is il y a, which is an idiom for "there is" or "there are".

  • Il y a une fille ici. — There is a girl here.
  • Il y a un serpent dans ma botte ! — There's a snake in my boot!

You will learn more about impersonal expressions in "V. Pres 1".
