[Duolingo FRENCH] 001. 듀오링고 프랑스어 독학 기초 BASIC 1.
[Duolingo FRENCH] 001. 듀오링고 프랑스어 독학 기초 BASIC 1.
the girl = la fille 라 필레 _ 그 소녀
the boy = le garçon 르 가르숀/가숀 _ 그 소년
the woman = la femme 라 피매 _ 그 여자
Une fille = A girl _ 한 소녀
Un garçon = A boy _ 한 소년
Je suis une femme. = I am a woman. _ 나는 한 여자입니다.
the = la/le _ 그
a = un/une _ 하나의
i = je 나
the apple = la pomme 라 폼므 _ 그 사과
the man = l'homme 르 홈므 _ 그 남자
Je suis riche. = I am rich. 즈 수이수 리흐/리츠 _ 나는 부자입니다.
Je suis rouge. = I am red. 즈 수이수 로우즈 _ 나는 빨간색입니다.
red = rouge _ 빨간색
apple = pomme _ 사과
the = l' _ 그
you = tu _ 너
Une 여성명사앞 = Une femme = A woman _ 한 여자
Un 남성명사앞 = Un homme = A man _ 한 남자
An orange = Une orange _ 한 오렌지
Je mange. = i eat. 즈 만즈 ) 나는 먹는다.
Un enfant. = A child. 언 앙팡 _ 한 아이
La fille mange. = The girl eat. 라 필레 만즈 _ 그 소녀는 먹는다.
il est rouge. = it is red. 일 엣 로우즈 _ 이것은 빨간색입니다.
Tu manges. = you are eating/eat. 투 만즈스 _ 당신은 먹는 중입니다. 먹습니다.
L'enfant est une fille. = The kid is a girl. 르앙팡 엣 언 필레 _ 그 아이는 한 소녀이다.
il est riche. = he is rich. 일 엣 리흐 _ 그는 부자이다.
il mange. = he eats. 일 만즈 _ 그는 먹는다.
Je mange une pomme. = I eat an apple. 즈 만즈 언 뽐므 _ 나는 한 사과를 먹는다.
the cat = la catte 라 샷 _ 그 고양이
the dress = la robe 라 롭ㅎ _ 그 옷
le chat est noir. = the cat is black/dark. 르 샷 엣 누아르. _ 그 고양이는 검은색입니다.
je suis calme. = i am calm. 즈 수이스 칼므 _ 나는 조용하다.
Un garçon et une fille. = A boy and a girl. _ 한 소년과 한 소녀
il a une pomme. = he has an apple. 일 아 언 뽐므. _ 그는 한 사과를 가지고 있다.
Elle mange une orange. = she eats an orange. 엘레 만즈 언 오랜지 _ 그녀는 한 오렌지를 먹는다.
Elle est calme. = she is calm. 엘레 엣 칼므 _ 그녀는 조용하다.
Elle a une robe rouge. = she has a red robe. 엘레 아 언 롭ㅎ 로우즈 _ 그녀는 빨간 옷을 가졌다.
la, fille, le, garçon, je, suis, un, femme, une
l', homme, est, pomme, rouge, tu, es, riche
enfant, mange, manges, orange, il
elle, chat, noir, robe, a, et, calme
Tips and notes
Grammar notes like those below can be helpful if you're having trouble with the lessons, so consider trying the lessons above before reading the notes. They'll be more helpful once you have a context for understanding them.
French has two grammatical genders: masculine and feminine. All nouns have a gender that you must memorize. Sometimes, the gender can be obvious: une femme ("a woman") is feminine. Other times, it's not obvious: une pomme ("an apple") is also feminine.
Personal Subject Pronouns
In every complete sentence, the subject is the person or thing that performs an action or is being described. This is often a noun, but a personal subject pronoun (e.g. "I", "you", or "he") can replace that noun. In both English and French, pronouns have different forms based on what they replace.
English | French | Example |
I | je | Je mange. — I eat. |
You (singular) | tu/vous | Tu manges. — You eat. |
He/It | il | Il mange. — He eats. |
She/It | elle | Elle mange. — She eats. |
Subject-Verb Agreement
Notice above that the verb manger (as well as its English equivalent, "to eat") changes form to agree grammatically with the subject. These forms are called conjugations of that verb. Whenever you want to learn a verb's conjugation, hover your mouse over that word and press the "C" button.
Here are some conjugations for verbs you'll encounter in this unit:
Subject | Manger (To Eat) | Être (To Be) | Avoir (To Have) |
je | je mange — I eat | je suis — I am | j'ai — I have |
tu | tu manges — you eat | tu es — you are | tu as — you have |
il/elle/on | il mange — he eats | il est — he is | il a — he has |
Articles (e.g. "the" or "a") provide context for a noun. In English, articles may be omitted, but French nouns almost always have an article. French has three types of articles:
- Definite articles ("the") are used with specific nouns that are known to the speakers, as in English, but also to indicate the general sense of a noun, unlike in English.
- Indefinite articles ("a"/"an"/"one") are used for countable nouns that are unspecified or unknown to the speakers.
- Partitive articles ("some"/"any") indicate a quantity of something uncountable.
Articles have multiple forms, as provided in this table:
Article | Masculine | Feminine | Plural | Example |
Definite | le/l' | la/l' | les | le chat — the cat |
Indefinite | un | une | des | une femme — a woman |
Partitive | du/de l' | de la/de l' | de l'eau — (some) water |
It is critical to understand that articles must agree with their nouns in both gender and number. For instance, le femme is incorrect. It must be la femme because la is feminine and singular, just like femme.
Le and la become just l' if they're followed by a vowel sound. This is an example of elision, which is the removal of a vowel sound in order to prevent consecutive vowel sounds and make pronunciation easier. Elisions are mandatory—for instance, je aime is incorrect. It must be j'aime.
These other one-syllable words can also elide: je, me, te, se, de, ne, and que. Tu can also be elided in casual speech, but not in writing (including on Duolingo).
In a contraction, two words combine to form one shortened word. For instance, the partitive article du is a contraction of the preposition de with le.
- du pain — (some) bread
However, since du can create vowel conflicts, when it would appear in front of a vowel sound, it takes the elided de l' form instead. This is also the case for de la.
- de l'ananas [masc.] — (some) pineapple
- de l'eau [fem.] — (some) water
Words Beginning with H
The letter H is always mute (silent) in French, but when H starts a word, it can act as a consonant (aspirate) or vowel (non-aspirate). For example, the H in homme acts as a vowel. This means that "the man" must be written as l'homme.
Conversely, an aspirate H doesn't participate in elisions or liaisons (which you'll learn about soon). It's usually found at the beginning of loanwords from German or other languages. For instance, "the hero" is le héros. Pay attention to this when learning new vocabulary.